Coupontodeal is a platform that provides Deals, Offers, Coupons, and Discounts applicable for partner merchants or third-party sellers. Using our services complies with our users that they legally bound and agree to understand our ‘Policies’ and ‘Terms of Use’.
We urge you to read our ‘Terms of Service’ carefully before using our website ‘’. Use and access of our services take your acceptance and compliance with our ‘Terms & Conditions, including Policies’ we adhere.
We reserve the right of modifications and updates in our agreements to govern with updates in rules.
Since our Terms govern your access and use of services constituting a legal agreement between You and Coupontodeal, you must not use and access Coupontodeal services; if you disagree with any part of our ‘Terms & Conditions.’
To participate with us, you are bound to follow the process:
Since carrying a user account is necessary to utilize full benefits on Coupontodeal, you are hereby informed to make your registration first. Details entered while making registration must be accurate and complete.
The generation of password and it’s confidentiality are the key responsibilities of you only.
You can begin navigating Deals, Coupons, Discounts, and other Offers applicable for particular Stores (Third Party) once you fulfill all registration requirements. Choose as per your preference.
Agreeing to our Terms does not appear to modify our privacy subjects by users. Users can post contents in the form of text, audio, images, and videos, creating no harm to any party, other users, or sellers. Injury to any value will lead the account termination or removal of content without bringing in the user’s notice.
Under the copyright, Coupontodeal is entitled to file infringement on finding unauthorized copying of our contents, discreet with our work secrets, trade, and patents. You must not have rights for any of these mentioned.
Our graphics, contents, specified logo, pictures, and information used on the website is the property of Coupontodeal only. Plagiarism with us will make you undergo some severe actions.